Saturday, December 24, 2005

Life with Kyle


  1. Hey Kyle!
    Neat pair of boxing gloves there man!
    You don't need them though...just keep up the pissing and shitting away to glory and you'll have 'em all knocked out flat in no time.
    Warm regards,
    Khanki Uncle DB

  2. Hiya Kyle bro!
    How's it going? All the khankis are hybernating so I thought I'll check up on you.
    Have you grown at all? What's your weight? Guess what...I'm 111 kgs!
    You'd better grow up a bit before you come within a 10 mile radius of me.ok?
    How's the Doodoo? (The drink..not the container!)If you keep this up you could get into the Alcoholics Anonymous Hall of Fame. Personally I think you should get your mom to have a warm brandy just before feeding you. It'll help you sleep better.
    Listen little fella enjoy this while it lasts. Later on you have to promise a whole load of shit just to grope or suck doodoos. Also, shitting/pissing your pants is considered pretty uncool when you're all grown up. Blowing bubbles and puking on people is not accepted and you have to inspect your polly all by yourself!Ok Kyle, I have to go now but keep watching this space for more of "Life Lessons" by your Khanki Uncle DB. I might even get my old partner Uncle Bungloo to chip in.
    Next time we'll discuss the ups and downs of (having) a polly.
